91% of Smartphone Users Search the Web to Complete a Task
91% of Smartphone Users Search the Web to Complete a Task When people search the web for how to accomplish a task, they turn to the nearest search engine, which many times happens to be in their pocket. And the largest search engine for “how to’s” is YouTube. As a matter of fact, “how to” searches on YouTube have grown 70% year over year. Millennials...
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Attribution: Strategies For A Cross Channel, Cross-Device World – Transcript
The following is a transcript from a Google Partners Hangout. All of the information contained here belongs to Google and is to be used for educational and research purposes only. Attribution: Strategies For A Cross-Channel, Cross-Device World – AdWords Hangout Transcript Welcome to today’s Google Partner Hangout on air. My name is Bill Key, and I’m a product manager here at Google for...
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Medical Marketing
Medical Marketing to Acquire More Patients What is the best way to reach people that are actively seeking your services as a medical doctor? The internet. When someone is looking for a doctor, they immediately race to the nearest internet connection to find one. According to recent studies on consumer behavior, over 80% of purchase decisions are made from searching the web, and over 80%...
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Marketing for Dentists
Marketing for Dentists How to Find Patients For Your Dental Practice Now that you’ve got your dentist office all ready to go, you need patients. So, what’s the best way to reach people in your area that are actively searching for a dentist? Believe it or not, local search advertising. When people are looking for a dentist, they search the web. With proper AdWords Management,...
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