5 Ways to Increase Website Clicks
5 Ways to Increase Website Clicks You have a great business with a great website. Now, you’re probably asking yourself, “How do I get people to my site?” That’s why we’ve shared this guide of 5 ways to increase website clicks by targeted prospects to generate sales conversions. 1. Blog When people search the web, they are typically looking to be informed or entertained. The...
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Online Customer Acquisition
Online Customer Acquisition If you’re a business, then chances are you have a website. But, what is your website doing for you? If you aren’t directing targeted traffic to your website, then the chances are that it’s not doing much. So how do you achieve online customer acquisition? Online Marketing You must pay for online marketing if you plan on being serious about customer acquisition....
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What is ROI on Social Media
What is ROI on Social Media? Because almost everyone is on one social media platform or another, the simple fact is that your targeted consumer audience is on social media. But, what is ROI on social media? ROI is your return on investment. And, as most businesses agree, social media is important for business marketing in today’s constantly connected world. Social is great for brand...
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