Online Advertising – AdWords 101 Ch. 1
AdWords 101 Ch.1 Topics of Discussion AdWords vs. Conventional Advertising Ad Structure Ad Extensions Ad Creation Best Practices VS AdWords vs. Conventional Advertising In the conventional advertising of the past, you would try to blanket your company’s message in an effort to catch a potential customer’s eye. An advertiser would blast out their message through TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, billboards, etc. hoping that the right...
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Medical Marketing
Medical Marketing to Acquire More Patients What is the best way to reach people that are actively seeking your services as a medical doctor? The internet. When someone is looking for a doctor, they immediately race to the nearest internet connection to find one. According to recent studies on consumer behavior, over 80% of purchase decisions are made from searching the web, and over 80%...
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What is ROI on Social Media
What is ROI on Social Media? Because almost everyone is on one social media platform or another, the simple fact is that your targeted consumer audience is on social media. But, what is ROI on social media? ROI is your return on investment. And, as most businesses agree, social media is important for business marketing in today’s constantly connected world. Social is great for brand...
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